Saturday, May 30, 2015

Her Daughters

Her daughters. Those still at home, young adults, love to hang with her as she runs errands. They don't think twice about sitting across the table several times a day, eating and talking over whatever crosses their minds, the events of the day. They joke often as they sit on the couch beside her.

Her daughters with families of their own, children of all ages, calls her daily, sometimes several times. They share the grandchildren challenges of the last few moments, funny actions and words. Sometimes they vent, cry, and talk of what God is doing in their lives.

Mom, not yet 60. Her adult daughters in several stages of life. They're friends. Deep friends. The girls intervene when a clerk speaks rudely to their mother. She needs no defenders while defusing the uncomfortable air. Dignity is her jewelry.

And father. He honors his wife with praise as their daughters watch. He is her shield. His girls also have his heart, trust, and full protection. And they know it. They walk in that confidence. How will the single ones ever find a husband of this caliber? One who deserves the young wives like their mother?

Is this a story? A dream? Even possible? It's what I had pictured for my life. Though it's not mine right now, I am happily blessed (and sorta sad) to watch it in several of my longtime friends' lives. So it's possible. Possible with Christ as each of these people's close friend and director of their lives. Yes, every man and woman, several generations, hold Christ as their #1.

He's real.

Bless and be blessed,
May 12, 2014

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