Wednesday, January 1, 2020

2020 Day 1

Day 1
Sun shines bright. 
A new decade. My Spring. 
The last decade was Winter.
I refuse to make resolutions because it sets me up for failure. 

As an overthinker, I already evaluate on a minute by minute basis (oldest child).
I've realized my emotions are dictated by tiny today and my desirable, my perfect envisioned future. 
The gap is so vast and clueless I'm frozen in a moment by moment, day after day discouragement. 

But the last few new years, I've began looking over the coming  Y E A R.

Doables reflected in photo:
1. Intentional time for art
   A. Temperature quilt
2. Continue unpacking, purging, organizing
3. Self check - 'Are you overthinking? Just go with it.'
4. Local Ivy Tech

And that's enough to move forward in this day to build a good year.

Bless and be blessed,

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