Wednesday, March 28, 2018

New Purse Begins

I needed a new purse, not because I wanted one but because the handles fell off the one I was using. My purse theory is like my car, drive them til they die. One purse at a time, no changing to match my outfit, just grab it and get out the door. I find or make one with enough pockets and right length of handles. And now it's time for a new one.

After seeing a customer's purse as she was walking out the door, I quickly sketched it out. Several weeks later and it percolating in the back of my mind, I pull out some discarded fabric from a local fellow textile artist. If you've followed my sporadic blogging, you'll remember my 1,500 square foot studio, reduced to 700, is still in storage. I haven't access to my fabulous supplies.

So I splurged on myself, a rare no-no, and bought the heavy backing, embroidery floss and a $.99 sale pattern with inspirational inner pockets. Technically, it's a lunch box but I rarely stick to others' parameters. I digress.

Next I draw up my own pattern and begin improvising by patching the pieces of main exterior fabrics. Now I've assembled the two outside panels and it's time for hand embellishment Machine surface design will follow.

I love hand work. I love the look! Here's where I complain. I HATE DOING HANDWORK. But I am going to push thru because I really liked the original inspirational purse and I want and need a purse. I also need a project since I've no current traveling knit project.

My finished piece will NOT look like the inspirational piece but it will have a couple prime aspects that caught my attention. So now I'm set to keep my hands busy during down time.

Both panels are 19x16. I'll post the inside pocketed lining and finished piece once I get it finished.

Bless and be blessed! 

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