Thursday, May 7, 2015

Winter World

Because I seldom post, I thought it might be nice to add an occasional journal entry.  This one is from

Feb 1, 2015.

Trees dropping little snowballs. Visuals and sounds it bestows. Watching the multitude of ripples intersecting one another across the creek's surface. Listening to the thumps as the white covering on the roof gives way to its weighty, wet, falling comrades. It's just warm enough for the new snow to release itself into that which it came. Drip and drop. Clump and thump.

A pair of the sweetest looking birds come near my feet. Grey, tuffs, and cream undersides. What's that in it's beak? Oh look, the branch at my eye level became their next little flint. Two feet away I can see the peach just under their wings as they decide to rest toward the north, now switch, try south, twist, let her see 360 of me. Toodle lou, we must leave.

Tis the view through my windows. And it begins to snow again, so tiny, almost straight is its fall. This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Bless and be blessed,

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