Sunday, March 3, 2013


Yes, after fifteen years of wanting and a few tries, I'm finally living in Southern CA. I left Indianapolis the morning after -20 windchill and drove my convertible Mustang loaded with supplies for an office, a sewing studio, a kitchen, living room, a bedroom (including a bed), bathroom, school & jewelry making supplies and who-knows-what-else. I am woman. Hear me roar. Three days later, I'm in SoCal.  

After living here five weeks, I love it.  I have the same challenges here, of course, that I did in Indianapolis.  But there seems more hope and opportunities here for my uniqueness.  OK, my being a misfit.  My biggest challenge, no matter where I go, is supporting myself.

As a woman who has spent her adult life focused on her family, I find myself single with detached adult children and being uneducated.  Yes, in '09, the height of the recession and penniless, nine months of diligently seeking work ended with a second interview for a waitress job being told, "You have too large of a learning curve."  Excuse me?  I grew a large organic garden for years, canned/froze my yield, made bread beginning with grinding my flour, educated my children for 11 years, started two businesses and several guilds, wrote and taught textile art for 18 years (up to 45 students at once), including at the Indianapolis Art Center, entertained regularly in my home and hosted 30 people on holidays.  Excuse me?  Then six months later they hired my young and beautiful daughter that stayed for a month or two.  So I consoled myself with 'their loss' and realizing it a perfect time to start my first college experience.  So in January '10, my first semester began with 13 credits and ended with a 4.0.  I have stayed on the Dean's list since.

Two semesters away from earning my Associate of Fine Arts, having no roots anymore, I grew wings.  I chose to fulfill a fifteen year dream of moving to Southern California, at least for a semester trial.  Now I want to stay here for this stage of life.  There are miracles that have to happen for that to come about but since I know the Miracle Marker puts dreams in our hearts when we seek Him first, I know He can grant them.

So what has my first five weeks held?  I'm taking two classes at a community college in Costa Mesa, Anthropology and Sculpture.  I love learning and would continue classes forever if it weren't for quizzes, tests, and the expenses.

Our first assignment in Sculpture is a low relief, subtractive clay piece.  My 8" x 8" is pictured here being layered w liquid latex for 1st mold in prep for 2nd supportive mold in order to make final plaster piece.  This is a new experience for me to think & make subtractive 3D. You'll have to wait to to see what I sculpted and the final piece. Hint, Proverbs 18:21a.  Here's it is after four layers of latex with many more to go.

I also take classes in Orange City.  I'm taking three computer classes to help fill the holes that prevent me from getting work.  This program has thirteen classes, each a semester long, to earn an Executive Assistant Certificate. 

You may be one who can aid in my quest for work.  How you ask?  One is prayer.  The second is that you may have leads that can open a door.  In five weeks, I've put in around 75 applications and gotten three interviews.  Yes, I have great skills that will be of benefits to my employer but they will have to read between the traditional lines.  My misfitness goes from being a left-brained logical, analytical organizer to a right-brained creative soul.  Email me privately with leads and I'll follow up with my resume.  And thanks.

Last night I assembled a couple pieces of jewelry.  One was a bracelet for bartering.  I forgot to get a picture of it so I'll post it here after she sends a pic in a few days.  The other piece is this necklace called When...Locket.
It's 2" x 8.5", glass & metal assemblage. The locket is glass on both sides so changes color according to the clothing background. You can also change the picture in the locket.
$55 directly from me.  Choker or chain not included. Even more AWESOME on.

The problem with making one-of-a-kind jewelry is that I want to keep it all. I love long pendants on chokers. Choker lengths I use are 15.5" & 17.75", antique gold or silver.  You can see my inventory on my Facebook Biz page, Touch of The Master's Hand.  I have photo albums of the different media I do.

Other than enjoying sun and warmth, being observant, I am learning new things about this area.  The weather makes it possible for people living healthier with fresh fruit, veggies and outdoor activities, which is one reason I like it here. Smokers are seldom seen. I find it faster to use 'surface streets' instead of the highways in rush hours.  Did you know that it's illegal to declaw a cat here?  Senior citizen discounts begin at 55.  Being an artist here doesn't make you as odd as I felt in Indiana. Art is part of the culture. And best is that being an 18 year old in a 50ish body, I have a chance at making friends and a life.  Yes, it's different than the Midwest where I spent my entire life.  But for my current stage of life, it works great for me.

Now to see it all unfold.  Stay tuned.  More art and life to come.

Happy creating!


Judy Sall Fiber Art said...

Best wishes to you on your new adventure, Bobbie! I lived in So Cal from age 10 until 2003, when hubby and I retired and moved to Arizona. Hope you have good luck finding work... there is a giant cross-section of types there... just a matter of what you have to offer compared to the competition. You are wise to be focusing on computer skills, as they play such a huge part in our lives both personal and professional. Keep us posted on your progress!

Bobbie said...

Yes, Judy, I loved living in SoCa. Such opportunities for a single mature textile woman. Thanks for your encouragement. I enjoyed checking out your blogs. Keep up all the great work.